
Results are in…but what next?

By Richard Temple, CEO

To Uni or not to Uni. Is that the question?

If you have recently received your A-level results, you are now facing a big decision. Do you go to university where the experience post-Covid has been distinctly sub-optimal; the graduate ‘premium’ has largely been diminished; and you will be lucky to come out with less than £50,000 debt?

Or do you embark on a career and get a job? If you do, what do you do? Where do you start? How do you find out more about workplaces, industries that you might not know that much about?

Choose Media

The media industry is a great place to start. A lot of your last two years of learning can be applied, from media and business studies to subjects such as history, geography, maths and English. As media agencies have evolved and become more professionalised, there are a raft of opportunities for school leavers – none more so than in small to medium enterprises (SME) independent agencies.

All human life skills exist in media agencies. You will hone skills in data, statistics, psychology, anthropology, technology, mathematics, probability, innovation, creativity, negotiation, persuasion and networking. You can expect a career that will span a wide variety of business categories. The only essential skill is curiosity.

I’ve spent most of my working career in ‘yoghurts and toilet cleaners’ and I assure you the category dynamics are fascinating. At JAA we work with a host of third sector clients so you can achieve purpose alongside a positive impact from your work.

It is in SMEs that school leavers can really make the most of opportunities. Smaller companies require all-rounders who are prepared to get stuck in and make an impact on a business and their clients. You have to be a little bit gutsy, be prepared to take a leap and make a splash. Quite simply: in an SME, school leavers can have significantly more bearing.

Apply for an Entry Level Role

So if you don’t know what you want to do right now, you’re curious and have a gutsy approach to life then an independent agency is the best place to start your career.

To apply for a Media Assistant role at JAA, send a copy of your CV and why you want to work with us to